Progressed Astrology Consultation

Progressed astrological consultations provide a pragmatic navigational guide for one to understand how the planetary fractal and cyclical influences affect, and ultimately support, ones evolution at this time on Earth. This ancient art can offer a greater context for framing past experiences and challenges, allowing for a deepening of the meaning and wisdom held in these pivotal moments to transform present frameworks of life. Upcoming transitions are also mapped out, allowing for conscious preparation to move with the flow of energies streaming in from these heavenly wandering bodies. Jasmine draws from her personal experiences of transformation and the synthesis of her studies in astrology, herbalism, energy medicine, ancestral work, tarot and just plain old double-Virgo practical advice that helps. 

~ Your consultation begins with an initial intake, a short (~15 min) phone call where we will discuss your intention and focus for the reading. Please share any spiritual, emotional or physical insights into your current state that intuitively come up at this time. I will take a cursory look at your natal chart while we are speaking for a golden thread to follow into deeper layers of your unfolding story.


~ Using the tropical zodiac and whole sign house system, I analyze a combination of your natal chart, secondary progressions and notable transits, following the golden thread of our initial discussion. I hand write/draw a series of astrological worksheets that record key aspects and dates for you to study and track. 

~ We will commence with a final meeting in person or on Skype to open up the chart insights (~2 hours), this is a combination of teaching how the planetary cycles work in fractals and reading into how they may influence your human story on Earth. Your reflections and questions on what is shared here will open the gates for more information to stream in, and provide guidance for navigating upcoming celestial / terrestrial events and evolutions. 


+++ Progressed Astrology Consultation

       $360 (+$10 for shipping outside of central Oregon)

+++ Follow-up Session for continued support and guidance 

       $120 / hour 

Plant + Planet Consultation

An exploration into the state of your bodies through the window of your natal chart and the session's inception chart. This consultation is for gathering broader context and deeper insights into manifestations that are exhibited through the body, mind and spirit. This is not to diagnose, treat or cure any physical ailments. What is offered is an interpretation of the divine wisdom that lives in your personal star map and the potency of connecting with a plant and/or gem ally that comes forward in support of your evolution during this time. A 1/2oz bottle of the resonant essence will be made for you to work with the emerging energies of transformation, along with guidance for cultivating a supportive relationship with this ally.

Each consultation will last approximately 60-90 minutes depending on each individual's needs. The essence will be prepared after the session with arrangements made for pick up or delivery.

+++ Plant + Planet Consultation

       $180 (+$10 for shipping outside of central Oregon)
+++ Plant + Planet Follow-up Session

       $60 / 30 minutes

Personal Mentoring Sessions

For those who have been called to discover deeper layers of personal magick through an interweaving of astrology, herbalism and the elemental journey of the tarot. Jasmine will co-create a series of custom mentoring sessions with you, constructed upon the foundation of the evolutionary intent of your natal chart and your personal intentions in the present moment. The first session will be a required overview of the structure of your soul through the lens of evolutionary astrology and discussing the intentions that brought you here. From there we can craft a framework for your journey of discovery with the support of the stars and Earth in this process of soul alchemy. Each session lasts approximately 90 minutes and is available in person at your residence in the central Oregon area. 

+++ Single Session


+++ Package of 4 Sessions
